Self Breast Exams

  • Shower- Using the pads of your fingertips, move your fingers around the breast in a circular motion, beginning on the outside of the breast near the armpit and moving in towards the center. Be aware of any lumps, bumps, or masses.

  • Lying Down- While lying down, place a pillow underneath your right shoulder and raise your right hand above your head. This will allow for the breast tissue to spread across the chest wall evenly. Using your left hand, move your fingertips around the entire breast all the way up to the armpit. Repeat on the left side.

  • In front of a mirror- While standing in front of the mirror, visually examine your breast with your arms by your side. Next, raise your arms above your head and look for any changes the breasts make, such as a dimpling. The last step, press your palms together firmly to engage your chest muscles and while doing so look for any changes to the breast, such as puckering, or changes predominantly on one side.

  • Please note, you always want to squeeze the nipple to look for discharge. Use light, medium, and firm pressure when doing your self-exam.

  • For more information and illustrations of the instructions, please visit National Breast Cancer Organization.
