

Well Woman Exam Specialist

Dr. Mark Godat not only provides comprehensive care for women’s reproductive health, but he also offers healthcare services that encompass your overall health and well-being. Dr. Godat provides well woman exams at his OB/GYN practice in Dallas, Texas. Routine well-woman checkups ensure your basic healthcare needs are well-cared for and you’re living your best life. For more information about well woman exams, click the button below. Call to schedule your appointment now.



Preventative Healthcare

In our office, we not only want to treat any current problems you may be having, but we also want to help you to prevent any health complications we can be proactive about.

Colonoscopy: Beginning at age 50

Mammogram: Women should begin having annual or biennial mammograms done beginning at age 40, no later than age 50.

Self Breast Exams: Adult women are encouraged to perform breast self-exams once a month. There are three ways to perform a breast self-exam.

Bone Density: For a more complete list of ACOG well-woman health screening recommendations, please visit ACOG Recommendations.

  • To the surprise of many, our bones are actually a living, growing tissue that is constantly changing and replenishing itself. Osteoporosis results from the body breaking down bone quicker than it is able to make more bone. For women, it is very important to be proactive and preventative against this disease.

Vaccines: Flu, TDap, HPV, Shingles-Shingrix, Rhogam

Weight Loss: Losing weight can be tough for a lot of women. Many times it requires the right formula and lifestyle changes to reach your optimal weight. In addition to looking better, your body will thank you and feel better! We will walk you through the steps we have found to be proven for weight loss.

Genetic Testing: Genetic screening is at the forefront of research around the globe. Like never before, we are able to look at the entire genome of a person and determine various conditions or traits you may be predisposed to. This allows an individual to be proactive and take preventative measures to maintain their health and well-being. All of the genetic screening companies we use provide their patients with a genetic counselor to provide support and answer any questions you may have.

*For information on High-Risk Factors and associated screenings, please visit ACOG High-Risk Factors.

Heavy Periods

Heavy bleeding is a common issue we see every day and it can be frustrating for women. The reason for this issue can stem from many different factors. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available through our office. Because this is an issue we see on almost a daily basis, we are well equipped with the tools we need to get our patients back to a lighter flow.



Irregular Bleeding

Women can sometimes bleed at times outside of their normal menstrual cycle, or, perhaps after an ablation or menopause. We understand this can be alarming for some patients and will get you on the schedule promptly to be seen by one of our providers. We are able to combine the patient's health history and intake interview with an in-house gynecological sonogram to paint a better picture of what issue is taking place.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS as it is otherwise known, is a disorder stemming from a hormone imbalance. Symptoms can include acne, weight gain, infertility and facial hair (or hirsutism). Some women with PCOS also have insulin resistance as an associated issue.




The lining inside the uterus is called the endometrium. In endometriosis, cells from the endometrium lining are found outside of the uterus. These cells and tissues still function outside of the uterus as they would inside of the uterus - they thicken, break down, and bleed each menstrual cycle. This may cause the surrounding tissue to become irritated causing many women pain, and could lead to scar tissue development or adhesions (abnormal fibrous tissue causing pelvic tissues and organs to bind together).


There is much to consider when making the choice as to which method of contraception is right for you and your family. At our clinic, we will discuss with you the many variables so you fully understand the options available.



Lumax Fiberoptic Cystometry System

A common issue we see among our patients is bladder leakage. To help us in determining the underlying issue, we have integrated this multichannel urodynamic system. Using this machine, we are able to diagnose incontinence, voiding dysfunction and measure activity of the pelvic floor muscles.


To be in a menopausal state, a woman will have been without her menstrual cycle for one complete calendar year. However, many women will begin to feel menopausal symptoms before true menopause ever sets in. This is known as perimenopause. Fortunately, we can create an individualized treatment plan to provide our patients with relief from the common symptoms associated with menopause.



Hormone Replacement

If symptoms of menopause are making you feel afraid or confused, hormone replacement therapy may be a viable option for you. Dr. Mark Godat has extensive experience in treating women in this phase of life at his OB/GYN practice in Dallas, Texas. Perimenopause and menopause can be a challenging time, and Dr. Godat offers guidance and support along your journey.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Whether it be after bearing children or the natural move into menopause, your feminine area may not look or feel as youthful it once did. Vaginal rejuvenation can improve your vaginal health and correct issues caused by childbirth, a decline in your estrogen levels, or genetically weakened appearance to your tissues. Dr. Mark Godat not only offers but actually, personally performs multiple strategies to repair these defeats at his OB/GYN office in Dallas, Texas. Medicines and surgery have traditionally been used but now a new modality, Lumenis® FemTouch™ laser rejuvenation is provided in his OB/GYN office to provide you with a noninvasive alternative for improving the appearance of your feminine area and treating vaginal health problems. Schedule your consultation to assess you vaginal health by calling today.
