Endometrial Ablation Q & A

by Mark J. Godat, MD, PA

What is endometrial ablation?

Endometrial ablation is a nonsurgical procedure that involves the removal of a thin layer of the uterine lining. Dr. Godat uses endometrial ablation to stop the excessive blood loss from heavy menstrual periods.

Dr. Godat can perform the ablation using tools that fit through the vaginal canal. He may use different tools to perform the procedure, based on the desired goals of treatment.

Procedure tools may include:

  • Heated fluids

  • Electrical currents

  • Radiofrequency waves

  • Cold therapies

  • Microwave energy

Dr. Godat may also employ a camera on the device to see the inside of your uterus during the procedure.


Who is a good candidate for endometrial ablation?

If you experience heavy or extended menstrual periods that are affecting your daily life, Dr. Godat may recommend endometrial ablation.

Heavy bleeding may involve:

  • Bleeding for longer than seven days

  • Soaking sanitary pads within an hour

  • Excessive bleeding leading to anemia

Hormonal changes may cause heavy menstrual bleeding, especially surrounding menopause. Other causes may include fibroids, polyps, or uterine cancer.

If Dr. Godat diagnoses you with one of these conditions, he may recommend endometrial ablation, provided you’re done having children and don’t have other uterine abnormalities.

What can I expect after an endometrial ablation?

Complication risks following an endometrial ablation procedure are low. The ablation is a same-day procedure, and you can expect to go home once Dr. Godat ensures you’re stable. He may prescribe you a pain reliever to alleviate cramping and suggest a few days of rest after the ablation.

During your recovery, you may experience:

  • Cramping

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Frequent need to urinate

Cramping and bleeding may last for several days. Dr. Godat advises against the use of tampons for several days after the ablation and may suggest no heavy lifting or strenuous activity during your recovery. You should refrain from sexual activity for three to four days.

Pregnancy following an ablation procedure is unlikely, but not impossible. Becoming pregnant after an ablation can result in miscarriage or other medical complications. Dr. Godat discusses these risks with you before the procedure and may recommend birth control use following the ablation.

Call Dr. Godat today to learn more about treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding.