Pregnancy and Prenatal Care Q & A

by Mark J. Godat, MD, PA

What is involved in routine pregnancy care?

Dr. Godat offers multiple services to care for you throughout your pregnancy and soon after your baby is born. He provides education and guidance to ensure you know what to expect before delivery and beyond.

You need routine checkups to monitor the progression of your baby’s development and check your health. Dr. Godat recommends monthly visits until you reach 28 weeks of pregnancy. After that, appointments are scheduled twice a month until you reach week 36. After that, you can expect to see Dr. Godat weekly leading up to childbirth.


What happens during prenatal visits?

Dr. Godat performs a physical exam and blood work during your first exam to confirm your pregnancy and calculate your due date. He also reviews your medical history, your lifestyle, and dietary habits.


Other tests during your initial visit may include:

  • A Pap smear

  • Weight check

  • Blood pressure

  • Breast exam

  • Pelvic exam

At this time, Dr. Godat may be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat and takes measurements of your abdomen.

Follow-up appointments may include routine blood work, urine analysis, and gestational diabetes tests. Dr. Godat also provides screening tests for your baby to identify early signs of abnormalities and rule out health issues for both you and your baby.


What is an ultrasound?

An ultrasound uses sound waves to create a visual of your baby. Throughout your pregnancy, Dr. Godat may perform several ultrasound exams to monitor your baby’s growth. He also uses an ultrasound to check for abnormalities in your baby’s organs and body systems. During an ultrasound, a technician spreads a gel around your abdomen that allows the handheld tool to move smoothly over your skin. A picture of your baby will appear on the monitor.

Dr. Godat shows you the different parts of your baby’s body and takes measurements of your baby’s head and body length. If you are interested in learning your baby’s sex, Dr. Godat can use an ultrasound to make the determination.


What is a high-risk pregnancy?

Your pregnancy is high-risk if you have factors that could compromise your health or the health of your baby. These include:

  • Existing health conditions

  • Multiple births

  • Pregnancies in older mothers

  • Obesity

Dr. Godat is highly experienced in treating high-risk pregnancies and provides comprehensive care throughout each stage of pregnancy. You may undergo more frequent checkups and testing that allow Dr. Godat to monitor the health of both you and your baby carefully.

Call Dr. Godat’s office to schedule your pregnancy consultation now.